Thursday, January 23, 2014

Warning: This Post Is Entirely Pointless

*Note* Please play this song in the background while reading this latest post.

I was told by my Writing Workshop instructor that in order to grow as a writer, I have to write every day,

I thought about that for a time, then promptly dismissed the idea and thought about something else. 

So with that in mind, welcome to today's episode of Random Rambling Thursday! 

Today was the first day of the new semester. New classes, new professors, new experiences. Unless of course, you're me, and unlike the rest of the world you don't have classes on Thursday. If that is the case (which is unlikely unless you are in fact me and therefore exist in some parallel universe), you instead have tea, ramen, and Avatar: The Last Airbender to look forward to. 

Personally, I much prefer this option. 

Something I've made note of in the last twelve hours: if you're ever having trouble sleeping, open Minecraft to the main menu and crank the volume. It periodically plays relaxing piano music that will put you to sleep instantly.

My latest addiction is League of Legends. Thank you Jennifer VanderMolen and Ben Waalkes for introducing me to it. I have to say, though, lately I've been craving a decent adventure/platformer game. If anyone could suggest something in the spirit of Super Mario Sunshine or Ty the Tasmanian Tiger for PC, I would be greatly in their debt. I will also accept N64 games, as I've discovered a decent emulator for it. 

I've also been on a bit of a music kick in the last few days. I might even break out the old violin at some point. Sorry in advance, roommates. I"m a little rusty. 

Well, I'm officially bored out of my skull. Later, people. 

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

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